Join Us At Our Next Sack Wern Resident Meeting
Monday July 22nd at 6:00 PM
PS107, The Cafeteria – 1695 Seward Ave. Bronx, NY 10473
Sack Wern
PACT Partners
Sack Wern PACT Partners, a team comprised of Asland Capital Partners, Breaking Ground and Douglaston Development, has been selected as the development team to partner with NYCHA and residents to create a comprehensive improvement plan for Sack Wern Houses.
Sack Wern PACT Partners is committed to bringing repairs, new property management, and enhanced social services to the community while maintaining affordable rent and resident protections.
What we do
Repairs, New Property Management and Enhanced
Social Services

About Sack Wern
- Our improvement plan includes renovating and modernizing each building and every apartment, creating economic and employment opportunities, and developing a social services plan with a non-profit provider that will contribute to the well-being of all residents.
- Clinton Management will serve as the new property management company for Sack Wern. Clinton Management will work alongside NYCHA property management through the inspection, predevelopment, and design phase until they take over in the Winter of 2023.
- Levine Builders will serve as contractor upon closing and will work alongside residents to execute the rehabilitation.
- Read the Sack Wern PACT Partners welcome letter here.
We look forward to working with Sack Wern residents on this project!
PACT Process
Permanent Affordability Commitment Together (PACT) is a program that allows NYCHA to partner with developers, property managers, and contractors to unlock new funding to complete comprehensive repairs at NYCHA-owned properties like Sack Wern Houses. Learn more about the PACT Program at NYCHA’s website: PACT Resources for Residents.
What Stays the Same
- Residents continue to pay no more than 30% of their income toward rents
- NYCHA still owns the land and buildings
- NYCHA retains regulatory oversight
- Resident Association remains a collaborative partner and integral stakeholder in the rehabilitation process
- We will work with residents to ensure that they are in compliance upon conversion
What Changes
- In-unit and site-wide upgrades, including:
- Kitchen and bathroom renovations
- Landscaping and playground improvements
- Common area upgrades Enhanced security
- Site-wide cameras and access control
- New hands-on property management team
- On-site social service provider
- New local onsite hiring opportunities for Sack Wern residents
Communicating with residents is a key component of this project. See below information we have shared through the mail, at your door, or at resident meetings.
Meeting 1 – November 16, 2022
Pact Partners Intro Meeting
Sack Wern PACT Partners Introduction to Residents
Presentacion de los socios de Sack Wern PACT a los residentes
Meeting 2 – January 25, 2023
Sack Wern PACT Partners Resident Meeting
Reunión de residentes de Sack Wern PACT Partners
Meeting 3 – March 1, 2023
Sack Wern PACT Partners Resident Meeting
Reunión de residentes de Sack Wern PACT Partners
Meeting 4 – April 12, 2023
Sack Wern PACT Partners Common Areas and Landscape Meeting
Reunión de los socios de PACT de Sack Wern sobre zonas comunes y paisajismo
Meeting 5 – May 17, 2023
Sack Wern PACT Partners Project Updates and Social Service Provider Introduction
Actualización del proyecto Sack Wern PACT Partners y presentación de los proveedores de servicios sociales
Meeting 6 – July 26, 2023
Sack Wern PACT Partners Project Updates and Model Unit Tours
Actualizaciones del proyecto y visitas a unidades modelo
Meeting 7 – September 13, 2023
Sack Wern PACT Partners Lease Signing Meeting
Reunión sobre la firma de contratos de arrendamiento
Meeting 8 + 9 – November 1 and December 11, 2023
Sack Wern PACT Partners – Temporary On-Site Moves
Administración de la propiedad – Mudanzas temporales in situ
Meeting 10 – January 24, 2024
Economic Opportunities for Residents
Oportunidades económicas
para residentes
Meeting 11 – March 21, 2024
Project-Based Section 8
Oportunidades económicas para residentes
Meeting 12 – May 1, 2024
Partners Propery Management Introduction
Introducción a la administración de la propiedad
Sack Wern Community Plan
Sack Wern Community Plan
Sample Leases
Sample Lease – English
Sample Lease – Spanish
Job opportunities will be provided in the areas of construction and property management. We will prioritize the hiring of residents. Sack Wern PACT Partners will partner with local workforce training organizations to offer their services to residents to prepare for these openings.
If you are interested in employment opportunities, please contact us using the below form.
Our Team
Asland Capital Partners, Breaking Ground and Douglaston Development are uniquely qualified to partner with residents of Sack Wern, NYCHA leadership and local stakeholders to lead a resident-focused rehabilitation.

Asland Capital Partners
Asland is a black-owned, NYC-based owner, operator and investor who has preserved over 2,000 units of affordable housing in the Soundview neighborhood, dating back to 2005.

Breaking Ground
Breaking Ground is a non-profit developer and social service provider with hands-on experience engaging stakeholders and a track record of collaborating with NYCHA on new construction projects for seniors.

Douglaston Development
Douglaston Development is a developer, contractor, and property manager with 40 years of New York City development and construction experience and a dedicated interdisciplinary team of NYCHA PACT staff with extensive resident engagement experience.